The 25th Annual Conference will be hosted by the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in 2025 at its headquarters in Beijing, China.
Established in 1999, the Conference of International Investigators (CII) is a forum for investigators of international organizations to exchange ideas, discuss integrity issues, address challenges in fighting fraud, corruption, and other wrongdoing, receive new developments and share leading practices.
Now in its third decade, CII has firmly established itself as the premier forum for investigation professionals, of participating organizations worldwide, to come together and share their experiences and knowledge as well as their challenges and concerns on key strategic, technical, and operational topics. CII encourages and enables collegiality and close cooperation among investigative offices of participating organizations and provides support and guidance to investigators through its annual conferences and published materials.
CII has developed general principles and guidelines as uniform standards to guide the conduct of investigative activities by its participating organisations or as a reference for non-participating organisations.
CII holds annual conferences for its participating organisations as a forum for investigators to exchange ideas, discuss integrity issues, address challenges in conducting their work, receive new developments and share leading practices.
CII has developed a framework to facilitate the responsible and expeditious sharing of information among participating organisations.